Phase I - Breakthrough therapies
The King Albert II Institute's Phase I Unit, also known as the Innovative Therapies Unit, aims to offer patients the opportunity to be treated with molecules in the early stages of development for which anti-tumor activity has been tested in the laboratory and appears promising for human beings.
Through its academic and research function, it also strives to participate in the validation of the most appropriate treatments for the different types of cancer.
In order to ensure maximum patient safety, treatment is carried out within the framework of very precise and rigorous protocols, in an appropriate structure and by a team specially dedicated to and trained in the various expected adverse effects as well as in the management of phase I clinical trials.
However, the patient remains completely free to participate and will only give consent after receiving full and informed information from his or her physician.
Participating in an early developmental trial requires good general health, good function of the various vital organs, and the absence of significant comorbidities. It also requires the patient to comply with appointments, follow-up examinations, and treatment. A close and meticulous medical follow-up will be warranted. The disease evolution will be controlled at regular intervals and in case of non-benefit of the treatment, it will be interrupted.
Other possible therapies will then be proposed to the patient.
List of coordinators and nurses in phase I

Myriam Abdallah


Véronique HUBAUX


Isabelle RAMBOER