Welcoming parents
The Unit 82 nursing team
The Unit 82 nursing team is composed of a head nurse, 25 nurses, 3 pediatric nurses, 2 administrative nursing assistants and one logistics assistant. This large team works in shifts and cares for your child 24 hours a day.
The members of the team work in close collaboration with the various different disciplines and carry out their everyday work according to the institutional values, namely: respect, cooperation, quality and excellence, responsibility and openness to change.
Close collaboration with parents or the primary carer help the child gradually get used to their new environment and have the support of their nearest and dearest during this unsettling period.
“The well-being of the child and their parents is at the heart of what we do and, accordingly, we try to adapt to their routine as far as possible. We aim to support their development and growth despite the illness.”
Visiting times
Mum and Dad can stay at their child’s bedside from 08:00 to 20:00.
Other visitors are permitted from 14:00 to 20:00.
The number of visitors is limited to 2 people per child.
Children under the age of 15 are strictly prohibited from entering the department in order to protect some of our youngest patients.
Staying with your hospitalized child
One parent can stay overnight with their child.
Our young patients must sleep in their own bed and not in their parent’s bed.
The guest bed must be put back in the cupboards at the entrance to Unit 82 before 08:00 in the morning and should not be taken back to the room until 20:00.
Every patient and the person staying with them must bring their own toiletries (wipes, facecloth, toothbrush and toothpaste, shower gel, etc.). We only give wipes to patients in clean isolation, not to the person accompanying them.
Use of the toilets in the rooms is reserved for our patients. Visitors must use the toilets provided in the corridor outside of the department.
Games room
The games room is only accessible to hospitalized children from 10:00 to 12:15 and, to allow for a siesta, from 14:00 to 20:00.
An entertainer is present during the week until 16:00.
Brothers and sisters of patients are welcome in the Atelier Arcadie on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons from 14:00 to 17:00 (including during school holidays)
Your child will receive balanced meals, suitable for their age, eating habits and condition (possible diet). Avoid giving them sugary foods, crisps and fizzy drinks which are bad for their health!!!
For babies, fruit porridge will be mixed on the ward.
The accompanying person receives a meal voucher in the morning and can go to the “Chou vert et Vert chou” before 11:00 for breakfast (in the entrance hall on level 0).
Need information?
The nurses are available to answer your questions.
However, in order to ensure good continuity of care, the nurses write up their reports from 07:00 to 07:30, 13:00 to 14:00 and 20:30 to 21:00.
Please do not disturb them during these times unless in an emergency of course.
Child in isolation
If a child is in clean or contaminated isolation, please ask the nurses for further information.
The Unit 82 nursing team can be contacted on +32 2 764 82 03
The Unit 56 nursing team
Unit 56 is an aseptic unit composed of 2 pediatric rooms and 4 adult rooms. Umbilical cord, bone marrow and stem cell transplants are performed there. Patients come in for an autograft (related or unrelated donor) and remain in isolation for an average of 4 to 6 weeks. The patients cared for have immune deficiencies, bone marrow aplasia, leukemia, etc.
The team works in coordination with pediatricians, nurses, carers, physiotherapists, psychologists, social workers, dietitians and beauticians, as well as with the entertainment team and school.
The Unit 56 nursing team can be contacted on +32 2 764 56 03
L’hôpital de jour pédiatrique
L’équipe accueille les nourrissons, enfants et adolescents qui viennent pour une mise au point ou un contrôle en consultation ainsi que les enfants qui reçoivent un traitement ou subissent un examen en hospitalisation ambulatoire. L’activité de l’hôpital de jour est divisée en deux grandes sections:
Les consultations
Lorsque votre enfant vient en consultation, il sera examiné par le médecin dans une cabine de consultation. Si nécessaire, l’infirmière réalisera une prise de sang dans la salle de prélèvement. Certains résultats vous seront communiqués le jour même par le médecin, tandis que pour certaines analyses, le délai peut être plus long et un rendez-vous ultérieur vous sera fixé.
Les chambres
Lorsque votre enfant vient pour recevoir un traitement (perfusion, transfusion, chimiothérapie, …) ou bénéficier d’un examen nécessitant une sédation (ponction, imagerie, …), il est installé dans une chambre.
Si nécessaire, l’infirmière vient y faire la prise de sang, poser la perfusion. Le médecin vient l’examiner.
En chambre, un repas est prévu pour votre enfant.
Contact : + 32 2 764 23 50
Lundi au vendredi : 8h00 - 13h00 et 13h30 - 16h30
Localisation : niveau -3, route 490
Afin de faciliter au mieux la prise en charge de votre enfant à l’hôpital de jour, nous vous remercions d’avance de veiller à :
- respecter l’heure précise de votre rendez-vous à l’hôpital de jour afin d’éviter les retards
- avertir de votre présence en vous adressant à l’accueil lors de votre admission à l’hôpital de jour
- n’annuler le rendez-vous qu’en cas de force majeure et prévenir impérativement le secrétariat de cette annulation au minimum 24h à l’avance
- tenir compte que l’absence à un rendez-vous sans en avoir averti préalablement le secrétariat vous sera facturée
- prévenir le secrétariat si vous voulez un rendez-vous en urgence. Celui-ci préviendra les médecins et vous serez recontactés par la suite. Si vous vous présentez à l’hôpital de jour sans rendez-vous, vous ne pourrez pas être reçus par l’équipe médicale
- vous présenter à l’hôpital de jour une heure trente avant votre heure de consultation si votre enfant a besoin d’une prise de sang