
Shiatsu is a Japanese form of physical therapy based on traditional Chinese medicine, just like acupuncture for example. During a Shiatsu session, the practitioner applies pressure to certain parts of the body and along the “energy meridians” using their thumbs and palms of their hand. According to shiatsu specialists, this pressure stimulates the flow of energy and blood in the body in order to maintain or recover the physio-energetic balance required to safeguard our health.
Shiatsu focuses on prevention. Its aim is to stimulate the body’s resources. More subtle effects promote harmony between body and mind.
This discipline is particularly recognised for the treatment of numerous energy imbalances, as well as joint and muscular pain. In addition, Shiatsu is also a stress-relieving, relaxation and well-being technique from preventive healthcare point of view.
Shiatsu was officially recognised as a preventive and therapeutic method by the Japanese Ministry of Health in 1950. In Japan, it is on a par with acupuncture, chiropractics and osteopathy.
Organisation and Registration
Sessions are offers to all patients under the care of the Institut Roi Albert II, subject to the consent of their referring doctor.
Sessions are held three times a year. From January to March, April to June and September to December.
A cycle included 5 or 6 sessions which take place every other Monday of tuesday outside of school holidays from 18:00 to 19:00.
Non-hospitalised patients:
How to register:
- by filling in the online form: click here or via the Institut Roi Albert II office on 02 764 12 71
A financial contribution of €25 per session is requested.
The sessions are held in the Chapel on the first floor of the Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc (road 6). We advise wearing loose-fitting and comfortable clothing and bringing a blanket or matt.
We kindly ask you to notify us as soon as possible if you are unable to attend.
Hospitalised patients:
20-Minute session are organised on certain Mondays. Please check with your nurse.
Yoseido Shiatsu Academy
Master Kawada was born in Japan where he inherited the art of Shiatsu from his father. Government-qualified instructor and graduate of Nippon Shiatsu School, he introduced shiatsu into Europe.
To transmit his knowledge, he founded the Yoseido Shiatsu Academy.
The Idō School team is made up of professional teachers who are recognized and certified in their respective fields. The classical shiatsu taught in this school is inspired by the Ohashi method as well as the shiatsu concepts of Masunaga Sensei.